Blogs / hunterzig's blog

hunterzig's blog

hunterzig's picture

Final Work Detail Attached

OK guys, we are sitting pretty on opening day preparedness, but if you are coming over thursday or friday, please knock out the remaining to do list and email Dave & me so we can update the list ASAP.
We installed 3 new pits Saturday that need brushing, decoying and bench installed. more »

hunterzig's picture

Updated Blind Work Detail

See attached and let's knock out the balance of this list ASAP so we can focus on hunting.

Three new pits are hopefully being installed this weekend so we can get them brushed, decoyed and flooded.

We started flooding most fields this past Sunday and I bet we'll have some feathered friends this weekend to get us in the mood.

hunterzig's picture

Rain Dance

A few folks have called me about their rain dance that they've been doing with their family every night for the last week and said it's getting a little old. Here's a couple ideas you can work on tonight to keep up the good work, b/c I think this is the last shot we've got at rain before opener and we need about a 4 inch rain to help out the wells that got turned on first thing Monday morning. more »

hunterzig's picture

First Official Workday, this saturday 8 AM

OK guys, time to roll up your sleeves and come over after trick or treating or we'll see you first thing Saturday morning. This weekend, we are planning on cleaning and brushing all pits in the ground and taking decoys to the pits. Since the fields are so dry right now, we should be able to get most of the pit work done this weekend. more »

hunterzig's picture

2008 AR Season Dates

Duck season dates are Nov. 22-Dec. 1, Dec. 6-Dec. 24 and Dec. 26-Jan. 25. The youth waterfowl hunt will be Jan. 31-Feb. 1. The northwest Canada goose zone season will be Sept. 1-15 (with a bag limit of five) and Sept. 27-Oct. 6 (bag limit two). The statewide Canada goose season will be Sept. 1-15 (bag limit five) and Jan. 10-Feb. 1 (bag limit two). more »

hunterzig's picture

Sarah Palin

Just for the record, I just invited her to stop by Food Giant, pick up a set of XS swamp fox waders and hunt the riv opening week, as I think she'll fit right in. I'll let you know when she accepts the generous offer.


hunterzig's picture
hunterzig's picture

Delta Waterfowl Memphis Banquet 10-7-08 U of M Holiday Inn

Let me know if you would like tickets at the 3 Rivers tables or a whole table at the Delta Waterfowl banquet coming up 10-7-08, see attachment.
