Blogs / hunterzig's blog
hunterzig's blog

Ouch, good time to not be from MI. Did ya'll even try against our boys? Looked like me playing a game of horse against Hjr. He beats me every time with his eyes closed.

Final Decoy Pick Up This Saturday
We knocked out most of them last weekend, but this weekend we need to finish the remaining fields and stow them in the shop for the off season. If we have a good turnout, we can knock it out Saturday before we lay our head on the pillow. If you couldn't make last weekend, please make this weekend if it all possible and let me know if you can make it via email.
Attached is remaining work and attendance spreadsheet. Please let me know if it isn't accurate.

Decoy Fun
John Farley is heading up the crew for Saturday and Hunter for Sunday. Please call him on you way and he'll let you know where to go and what to do. 901-652-6903
For Sunday, please email or call me with your plan as I'm also lining up a crew of South of the Border friends, but don't want to have too many folks to handle. Let me know what time to expect you so we can work efficiently. 901-351-5296 more »

Decoy Round Up
The weather forecast looks good for decoy pickup. If you can, come in Friday night so we can get started early and if you can't make saturday, we'll have another crew on Sunday with Superbowl party at the main clubhouse afterwards. I'd like to try and get all decoys out of the fields the next two weekends to show our new farmer how we roll. If you've made one preseason workday, you can still hit your quota post season for a $200 refund. If I've missed checking you off for a workday, please see attached spreadsheet and let me know. more »

Going out with a Bang
The reservoir is wide open for all to hunt the last weekend of the season. Bring boat with blind and some long decoy string b/c it's pretty full right now and our two foot cords won't touch the first 1/8 of the bottom I bet. If there are no ducks, we'll have boat races and if there are no boats, will have breast stroke get the idea. Just show up for the mayhem. If folks show up with boats and the ducks are thick, folks can watch from the bank and we'll take turns. more »

Duck Bands
If you happen to hear anything about missing duck bands, call me to discuss. Seems like we've had several thngs turn up missing lately. Let's make sure we are doing everything to prevent things walking off.

freezing temps
for the guys new to pit hunting, just a heads up. What usually happens after a hard freeze is good hunting as ducks are hungry to get back into the fields when they thaw and look for ducks in places that they haven't been using. Ie slash water and the corn field. Break up the ice the night before and sometimes our best hunts take place. The question is how long will it take to thaw. Watch the weather and good luck.

Youth Weekend
It's finally here, the weekend where all the yutes can have free reign and we can focus our efforts on them. Let's make sure we work together and put the kids that want to hunt in the good spots and the kids that want to play, let them play and have a ball.
Youth skeet shooting tourney at L10 @ 1PM where a young hunter will walk away with the 07 trophy to gloat over on his shelf from now on. Call me Friday night if you need a place to take the kids as we'll have a lot of open prime spots.
See you soon.