Blogs / hunterzig's blog

hunterzig's blog

hunterzig's picture

Final Decoy Pick Up this weekend

I got word that the farmers are wanting to drain the fields asap after this thaw which will leave the fields muddy for awhile. All this to see, we need to get up the remaining decoys this weekend or whatever is left will be muddy when we pick up, stuck weights in the dry mud and muddy next Fall when we put em to work again. more »

hunterzig's picture

Time for Snow Goose Hunting -- Feb 2-April 5th!

Considering the population of snows and the liberal regulations that are allowed(see attached), I think it's about time we figure out how to hunt these rascals. Call me next week if you'd like to be on the list of guys to join the limited team of triv snow goose patrol.


hunterzig's picture

Youth Weekend Fun

Thank the good Lord for restoring electricity or "lights" as some people say, to the horse barn sometime between 4 & 5 PM on Friday before the weekend! Several of us had gone through great lengths to haul over generator and coleman lanterns ready to rough it, but the word spread quickly and we had the horse barn at close to maximum capacity. more »

hunterzig's picture


It's true, there was a major ice storm around the club and not sure if we'll have power, but our kids still need to hunt and I bet ducks don't realize it. more »

hunterzig's picture

Josies this Friday night - 6 PM

Let me know roughly how many are in your group(including kids) so I can add to the reservation.

Hunter jr. is going to sing his version of American Woman again, so look forward to that around 8pm.

hunterzig's picture

Youth Weekend Fun - This Weekend

This year, we're going to have a scheduled event for the weekend to make sure everybody that wants to shoot will have a chance at pulling the trigger. more »

hunterzig's picture

Last Weekend for Josies for awhile -THIS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 7 SHARP

I've only reserved 25 spots for 7 PM friday night, so let me know how many people are in your group by a reply so I can reserve more seats if need be. I hope we reserve the whole restaurant to show em Three Rivers knows how to support ICEMAN in his talent on Friday nights. more »

hunterzig's picture

Read this if you're man enough to hunt in cold weather

I drove to Mack's yesterday to pick up an ice eater($700) so folks who wanted/needed to hunt would have an option. Most clubs dont have a freezing temp option, but now we do. A friend of mine is running his generator all night the next few nights to hopefully keep a spot open at Heeb res. Join Blake if you'd like and pitch in on shifts, gas and generators if you have one. more »
