yellowduckdog's picture

Open Water

Coming in on Wed.should I bring a boat & look for open water with all the cold weather locking things up for a while?? 1st year in the area & was just curious what everyone does when ice comes for a period?

dan's picture

Dan's Night

I knew everyone would want to know how I spent my Friday night at the Horsebarn, so here goes.
1. At 11:30, run to bathroom.

2. At 11:45, stumble back to bed in feverish daze.

3. At 12:00, (read paragraph 1 again)

4. Continue indefinitely.


Alan Wilson's picture

North Roberts Open A.M.

North Roberts will be open for the a.m. on Saturday. I won't be able to make it for the morning. We will be over in the afternoon to hunt. Take it if you need it.

cschultz's picture

where are the pintails?

Just realized we are 3 weeks from completing the season and have just a mere 23 logged pintails....any thoughts other than the obvious. seems like the forecast was for a normal hatch and flight. kinda skeerin me.


moo's picture

Horse Barn Family Suite Availability

Hey Horse Barners, I just got word that the Bishops won't be needing the Family Suite this weekend after all. Thanks to Randy for passing on the word about that!


dan's picture


Why is my picture never at the top of the web page as it scrolls thru? Is this some kind of subtle divorce lawyer discrimination, because if it is, I know a discrimination lawyer.

matt's picture

Hog Fan depression

Glad I have a whole year to recover.. "could haves and should haves" don't win championchips. Good thing there is duck shooting therapy still available this year.

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