Blogs / randy's blog
randy's blog

Has nobody hunted since Sunday that can log a hunt? Come on guys even if it's been bad, log something...give the club a little something to read. Geeez... You bunch of slackers !

2012/2013 Pictures
A few pics from the season

As our season comes to a close I wanted to say what a pleasure it has been to share my passion with so many fine people. Seems like yesterday I was cutting grass in 90 degree temps dreaming about duck season and once again its come and gone so fast. Where does the time go? more »

Attention Benelli owners!!!
Recently I hunted with Shawn Sims when his Super Black Eagle had some issues with the forearm. The first ring broke in pieces causing the forearm to loosen and begin to slide. As the morning went on the problem became worse, the second and third rings broke. He managed to keep it together as we finished our limit of ducks. more »

North Roberts under water
Hey guys we got to North Roberts this morning and its under water. LOTS of rain last night. We moved to Yankee,
Just a heads up for those that may have it this week.

Duck Report
Can't really say new ducks have arrived but the past two days for me have been pretty good considering the latest reports. Section Two produced 10 ducks on Friday, a mixed bag of Mallards, Pintails, Gadwalls, Teal, and the beloved Spoonie. A fair number of ducks flying and temps near 70 made for a enjoyable day. Hunted til 10:00. more »

Word on the street
Word on the street is 2.5 Million ducks are stacked up in southern Missouri and the bootheal area.
Steve Byrd just so happened to stop a Tennessee Game Warden and the topic of NO DUCKS in Arkansas came up. GW said Missouri is holding all of them. Why? Nobody knows, but as I see it, a morning stretch of the wings from a duck in the bootheal puts him over the club in about an hour. more »