Blogs / randy's blog / Banded Mallard
Banded Mallard

The morning started off with Mallards hovering over the pit. It was hard to stay off the trigger, but as gentlemen we did. As shooting time came, the ducks thinned out, as it seems they always do, but a couple of teal buzzed us and fell victims to the 5 gun salute.
One loan greenhead gave us a look and fell tits up in the decoys.
As the duck pit chatter turned to laughs and lies a loan hen snuck in over our heads. Already out of range for a few, Ole Randy sent steel flying her way, One, Two, Three shots rang out and much to my pit members dismay, she fell from the sky. It had to be a 60 yard shot, flying away from us with the wind. To be honest even I was amazed at my marksmanship skills. Having no dog with us, I sprang to my feet and started by 1/4 mile hike. The strong north wind pushed her further and further away from us. I could hear laughter from the pit as they watched me run/walk, run/walk. Everyone thought I was nuts for working so hard for a Spoonie, that's what we all though it was, but as I got to her, she still had life in her, "quack quack" I heard and said to myself, " well at least its a mallard". The diving game began. After running my arm elbow deep 6 times I snatched her up and what to my eyes did appear? A BAND !!! Everybody hunting heard my shouts of joy and thought I was joking, but ooooh no. I had got me a banded mallard. Made My DAY!
We ended up with 3 Mallards and two Teal, not a bragging day number wise but what a memory. My son got to see his Dad act like a kid again, well actually that happens alot, BUT, It was a GREAT day with family and friends.
Safe Hunting Boys,
- randy's blog
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Is this a "black tie" event, or can I just wear jeans?
I nominate...ala Greg Holley....Randy for "Avatar of the Year" award...
Randy that's a SWEET band-in-teeth pic!!
Maybe you should have it made into your next grill?
LOVE IT, thanks for sharing! :-)
Follow @zigmoo
That's a great pic and a terrific story Randy! My boys and I were cracking up at the lead in story to the pic and look forward to trying to find us a banded one as well! Congratulations!
Thats great, congrats let us know of its origin YDD
Was this My pit I gave you??? Was that MY banded duck you shot??? I knew it was a mistake to give it up!!! Just kidding...If it was my pit, I am glad it worked out that way for you....Now all I can say is YOU OWE ME BIG TIME!!!!! No all kidding aside CONGRATS!!!!
Nice jewelery!!!!
Alan, it was your gift that led to the killing of said banded mallard, oh and one helluva shot...LOL,. I hope to return the favor to you.
I and the now divorced drake mallard thank you. I made him a bachelor again and I'm sure he's happy to return to the northern tier in search of a new bride!
There is nothing.....absolutely NO BETTER end to a long exhausting physical retrieve than THAT!
Congratz, my friend. The duck gods smiled on you today...
P.S. BTW, I'm ready for another avatar change from you again. You switch avatar photos about the same frequency that my wife re-arranges the furniture in the den. Perhaps a crop of your happy mug biting the jewelry would be nice?
Here's the new avatar for ya Grover. It suits me better...LOL
An avatar of all avatars!