We now have ice at the RIVER. We have an ice maker for your favorite libations. As always, no ice drinks in the pits.
"mallard quicky"
hey boys, just a little note from the north land. the weather is supposed to start cooling down and staying that way for a little while. saturday morning had a nice "mallard quicky" about 5 min. from our house. killed 4 mallard limits in 30 min. out of a picked corn field. it was gggggggggggooooooooooooooooooood. worked about 4 or 5 groups of 30-40 and a bunch of smaller groups. shot them all right in the lips at about 20ft. friday i saw 1 group of about 50 birds land in this field, and thought that we may get lucky and have a couple of groups come in, but i never would have thought it would be as good as it was. more »

Team Spoonbill
Mouse its great to hear from you. Lookin forward to seeing you and all the "Yanks"
Be sure and bring that lighter with you and personally deliver it to Andy. We always like to have luck on our side. Keep safe on the drive down.
egg style
hey fellas, looking forward to seeing you all and catching up. it has been really warm up here the last week or so but they are calling for highs in the 40s and lows in the low 30s for a good part of next week. today in the mail i recieved a zipo lighter in the mail with the words team spoonbill on it. as most of you know this light belongs to one andy bowden. 2 seasons ago, this lighter was given to me for safe keeping in the off seaso. i then returned the lighter to andy on openning day. now some of you may ask why is this of any concern to me. well the reason is because it is believed to be responsible for bringing the ducks down last year. more »

Friday night - hang out at the house with pep talk and visit from Warden Larry.
Saturday 12 Noon Brunch - come hungry and expect a lot of folks with homemade breakfast food. GROUP PICTURE AFTERWARDS, so don't clean birds until after the picture has been taken.
Saturday 6:30 Supper - Chef Mike and Dave present TN hog done right with sides from Whole Hog BBQ, Fayetteville, AR.
Sunday 12 Brunch - same as Saturday.
If you don't know where all the pits are, that's OK as long as you know where your pit is located and ready for hunting opening day. Plan on making sure your pit has been bailed out dry, the decoys arranged and pit camoed properly. You'll have plenty of time to get well aquainted with the new pits Saturday afternoon as we'll be scouting them all. more »

Check out this pic....two men I loved a lot at a place we all loved to be....we are looking very proud b/c back then the limit was two mallards! I know...hard to believe, but true.
Digital camera's are relatively CHEAP! This is a challenge to you young guys to get one and start taking some pictures this year....20 years from now you won't regret the memories! I guess its a challenge to you old guys too to start making a photographic record of your hunts...
We have the cool website to to showcase your photos....if you don't know how to get them posted, email them to me or Moo, and we can post them for you! The pictures are a great way in the off season to re-live your memories from the season past, and whet your appetite for the season to come! more »

Today at Sam's I bought some of the greatest Chafing dishes I've ever seen for the money. They are the greatest thing since sliced bread! For those of you who don't know, they are the warming pans (sterno fuel) that keep your brunch warm (seen at fancy places like the skyway brunch at the Peabody Hotel...heehee) until you get served. Anyway, they were CHEAP and utilized the heavy duty throwaway aluminum pans that BBQ caterers use (you know the ones), so they don't LOOK like a million bucks but at least your opening day brunch of homemade eggs, bisquits, gravy, bacon, and sausage will be WARM by the time you get to it...... more »

Hi Everybody!
Who has the inside scoop on the best price/place to buy 3 inch mags per case? Every year the search is on for the best shell at the best price and I havn't made my ballistic purchases yet...seasons getting CLOSE! Looking forward to seeing everyone...