holla at a brotha
i thought i would take this moment to thank gene and moo for their work on the website. it is nice to be able to log on and show people pictures of our great club and show hunts and stuff. ps. who is ready to pick up decoys? yeahaw.

Watch the Shooting Time
I just want to remind everyone that you need to keep an eye on your watch and be aware of the proper shooting time each day.
Just a reminder that we need to stay above board with the AGFC regulations regarding shooting time b/c it's an easy way to get a ticket.
Shooting time from Dec. 24-Jan 1, is 6:41 and it's 6:42 through Jan 29th.
User Name and Password
If you are having any problems logging on with your user name and password, email me and I'll reset so you can use the site.
Thanks and happy hunting-Hunter

Thursday night the15th
I hope to see everyone at the club thursday night for an evening of hi-jinx and socializing. I am excited to get after it after the break. Last year we had very good hunting. I have an evening planned that you will never forget. I cannot leak any details at this time. So come on over for good times.

Three Rivers Famous Quotes
Please respond with some of your favorite all time quotes overheard at Three Rivers Duck Club.
Mine include the following:
"That's not how it works."
"Nothing's sacred in this house!"
"I tell you what..."
"Oh...he's back there gettin' after it!"
"'Mokey, 'mokey, 'mokey!"
"Have you seen my duct tape?"
"All ya'll do is smoke cigarettes and play cards."
"Let's find something to blow up."
"Has anyone hunted 'the beaner' lately?" more »

Out with a Bang..the Best Hunt I've Had Yet!
I had the best hunt I've had all year on the last day of the frst split. Andy Bowden, Andy Garrison, Johnny Nanney and I killed 15 mallards, 7 teal, 2 gadwalls, 2 snows and 1 speck this past Sunday, Dec. 4th in the Section Two Pit. Kota made some very nice retrieves and we all had a great time together in the field hunting on a windy and cloudy day. We did have to be careful to lay off the hens after 4 of our first 7 mallards killed were hens. However, we ended up having a great brace of birds.
Respond with the best hunt you have been a party to this season.
Youth Hunt Success
A great time was had by all on the ice and with the ducks and the catfish. Several kids shot for the first time and several kids were able to bag their first duck this weekend.
Hunters were: Gates and Hunter Canale, Christian Harden, Glen David, Joseph & John Lewis Bland, Garret Stelling, Harrison & Jackson Lee, Will & Michael Johns, Brook Roaten, Alton Burgess, Morgan Reddmann & Hunter Jr.

Updated Hunt Log through 1-1-06
Check it out. Here's where we are to date. We are still developing this application so that you will eventually be able to log in your hunts yourself. Stay tuned...