Blogs / Auto5man's blog
Auto5man's blog
Bullet Deals!
Please post any good deals you find on shells...I havn't bought mine yet. Has anyone noticed a price difference compared to last year?
how did you do this am in North Bridge. Did no one hunt this morning with the exception of N Bridge?? No hunt log entries noted yet, inquiring minds need to know.
Grover's Mid-Life Crisis AVERTED!!
For those of you who knew that my calls (AND lifetime accumulation of bands) were missing, here is an update... more »
Waterfowl Reports
So what are the waterfowl reports from you goobers who went over tonight? C'mon, wet our appetites and get in the mood for tomorrow!
Missing Drake Pull-over
Hey Everybody, more »
Salute to Opening Weekend Meal Crews!!
Reflecting on opening week, I feel compelled to comment on our meals of saturday. It was impressive. more »
Dead Geese laying around in fields....
I've noticed this alot this year. South Bridge field for example had at least 10 dead geese laying around the field that I saw while retrieving birds. I also saw many more on Saturday in the North Roberts/Yankee field. Anyone know the story on this? I've heard a couple explanations..... more »
Shooting Times for Monday
Calculated by the U.S. Naval Observatory for Harrisburg, AR for the date of Monday, Nov 24th, 2008.
6:18 am
4:51 pm more »