Blogs / Auto5man's blog

Auto5man's blog

Auto5man's picture

Bullet Deals!

Please post any good deals you find on shells...I havn't bought mine yet. Has anyone noticed a price difference compared to last year?

Auto5man's picture


how did you do this am in North Bridge. Did no one hunt this morning with the exception of N Bridge?? No hunt log entries noted yet, inquiring minds need to know.


Auto5man's picture

Grover's Mid-Life Crisis AVERTED!!

For those of you who knew that my calls (AND lifetime accumulation of bands) were missing, here is an update... more »

Auto5man's picture

Waterfowl Reports

So what are the waterfowl reports from you goobers who went over tonight? C'mon, wet our appetites and get in the mood for tomorrow!


Auto5man's picture
Auto5man's picture

Salute to Opening Weekend Meal Crews!!

Reflecting on opening week, I feel compelled to comment on our meals of saturday. It was impressive. more »

Auto5man's picture

Dead Geese laying around in fields....

I've noticed this alot this year. South Bridge field for example had at least 10 dead geese laying around the field that I saw while retrieving birds. I also saw many more on Saturday in the North Roberts/Yankee field. Anyone know the story on this? I've heard a couple explanations..... more »

Auto5man's picture

Shooting Times for Monday

Calculated by the U.S. Naval Observatory for Harrisburg, AR for the date of Monday, Nov 24th, 2008.

6:18 am
4:51 pm more »
