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Auto5man's blog

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If you think you are gonna free ranger the monday morning South Bridge hunt out from under got another think coming!



Auto5man's picture

North Bridge Am Saturday

Yes, my draw is North Bridge and I will BE THERE!


Auto5man's picture

NORTH ROBERTS pumped out

as of today.....12-7-07. A big thanks to Andy and Joel!


Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 12-2-07 AM/PM "**" LOGGED

Started off the morning in North Bridge with...

Rick Cumberland (Moo submits that the Texas contingent should here and ever after be referred to as "the Greystoke Boys")
Mark (guest of Rick's)
David Ziegler
Kevin Johnston
Andrew (KJ's guest)

5 mallard
2 spoon

Late morning (10a-12)
David Ziegler
Kevin Johnston

Dead Calm, no ducks flying

Early afternoon...
David Ziegler
Hunter Ziegler

2 mallards
2 spoons

Late Afternoon...
David Ziegler
In the immortal words of Vern...4 GREENHEAD MALLARDS!!
1 teal
1 spoon

TOTAL DUCKS: 13 for the day. more »

Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 11-18-07 am & pm "**" Logged

Section Two

Eric B, Randy Thomas, Bill Titus, Peyton Titus, Chase ?

1 spoon
2 mallard
14 teal
1 Specklebelly

TOTAL duck-17, 1 goose

Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 11-17-07 AM "**" Logged


Randy Thomas, Eric B, guest, Kirk Thomas

6 Teal
2 Specklebelly
2 Spoon
TOTAL 8 ducks, 2 geese

Auto5man's picture

TOTALS as of Sunday, November 25th

tentative rough totals as of 11-25-07...

882 ducks
33 geese more »

Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 11-25-07 PM "**" Logged

Mike Johns sent me this account of his afternoon hunt by email. I decided to post his email, in it's entirety....a great description of the spectacle Mike & family had the privilege of viewing Sunday afternoon. My own hunt Sunday morning would have been miserable due to the downpour of rain, if not for the almost constant stream of ducks into shooting range....I actually forgot the weather at times! more »
