Blogs / joelby's blog / King Oscar's

King Oscar's

joelby's picture

By (joelby) -



After watching Flounder get after a tasty new pit snack, I had to take a chance on some new sardines.

Well folks, Egg and I have officially made the switch from Beach Cliff Sardines & Fish Steaks to King Oscar's Bristling Sardines.

King Oscar's cost around $2.50-$3.00 a can versus the low budget cost of $.75-$1.25 cost per can of Beach Cliff's.

Now before you sardine purists fly off the handle questioning our move, lemme explain...

While King Oscar's does not offer the wide assortment of flavors (like packed in mustard or louisiana hot sauce or green chiles) that Beach Cliff provides, the two flavors we found are simply put, outstanding!

Our favorite is the MEDITERRANEAN STYLE served up in top-grade olive oil, sliced black olives, red bell pepper, and garlic.

These sardines are a delight. They do not leave that gamey, stale taste one has come to expect from an inferior sardine.

In other words, King Oscar's are the cat's pajamas!

Try a can today, you will be pleasantly surprised.

To help steer you to the right choice, I've attached a photo of a taste of the goodness.

USA-brislingsardiensinmediterranean-1layer.jpg56.53 KB

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If you looking for a deal, stop by P&J Duck Plucking and inquire about any taste morsels they may be selling. I'm sure you could work a deal on some of their remnants.


Auto5man's picture

is definitely one of my favorite brands, especially the "kipper snacks" which is herring, but I like the sardines as well. The KO sardines are much tinier and tastier and less "chewy" (Beach Cliffs are FAT sardines with proportionately larger bones, etc. inside the sardine).

However, don't knock the "Fisherman's Net" brand purchased from Lit, Jr's in Memphis until you've tried 'em. VERY tasty and that is coming from a sardine connoisseur, heehee. At 50 cents a tin its a bargain and taste thats hard to beat!

Iceman, the olive oil version is especially slippery and movement friendly.

This year the sardines are snowballing in popularity as pit snacks, please continue to leave the empty tins on the pit shelfs, as I firmly believe this is an integral part of continuing their meteoric rise back to prominence in the pit....


iceman's picture

Well, after careful review and deep thought, I am all game for making the switch from Beach Cliff to the well-noted King Oscar's. I just want to make sure that the new offical sardine brand snack favorite of all 3Riv pits is going to help me release my "bottom" movements as well as its predicessor. Please enlighten me to your experiences please...

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