Blogs / joelby's blog / Hunt Log Updates?

Hunt Log Updates?

joelby's picture

By (joelby) -


I'm flabbergasted that no hunts have been logged since I left last Wednesday.

I know that folks were hunting this past week before I came over and after I left.

Please log where you hunted and what you killed.

Many of us that had to come home are wondering how the hunting is progressing.

Shifts and giggles!

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I try to do better next time Daddy!

Auto5man's picture

will you get you doin' better in no time...yuck yuck. Heck, you already improved 200% in online prowess since last year. How is the new blind coming along?


The blind is much improved after we lowered the roof and brushed the sides and roof. Needs some additional love on the front. We purchased 10X10 burlap to hang over the shooting lanes. It's good for the rest of this season, but should be power ready by the start of next year.

Auto5man's picture

on concept of nothing to log? Log a "zero" hunt, who was there, what pit, zero killed all frozen, no birds seen, stayed til 0830 til so bored couldn't stand it.....etc. This sort of info is helpful to the folks back home starved for information.



Hunted Thursday (Section 2 and Claypool), Friday and Saturday morning (Timber) - did not pull a trigger except for some high flying geese. no good for me -amigo!


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