Blogs / Auto5man's blog / 10/24 Workday RECAP

10/24 Workday RECAP

Auto5man's picture

By (Auto5man) -


Another productive's what we accomplished:

Yankee: Gates Riced/Brushed
Section 2: Gates Riced/Brushed
N Bridge: Gates Riced/Brushed
S Bridge: Gates Riced/Brushed
N Roberts: Riced/Brushed
S Roberts: Cleaned and Gates Riced/Brushed
House Pit: Pumped,Bailed, Cleaned...Gates Riced/Brushed
Berger: Pumped and Bailed in preparation for moving, FIVE COTTONMOUTHS STRETCHED GOT THE BEATDOWN!
South House: NEW 18 FOOT PIT INSTALLED (22 feet including dog boxes both ends), new gates fabricated and installed, gates Riced/Brushed.
Alabama: New 18 foot pit installed (no more leaky pit!)

Couple of pointers on the newly installed pits while its fresh on my mind. The mud around the pit is more or less like quicksand and will pull your boots right off, so keep that in mind when you hunt these pits. The way to approach the pit will be on one end only, we'll have a plank or something similar installed on one end that will span from the rice levee to the dogbox. Deviating from this method of entry will get your heart pumping and may require an extrication, so keep that in mind. The pits look GREAT and I look for them to be productive draws, except for the unsure footing its hard to tell a pit just got put in there. They are nicely hidden directly in the rice levee.

We have accomplished alot in just two work days, our next focus will be getting dekes out and finishing out the remaining five pits.

Berger has to be moved, then brushed.
Fish Ponds East and West need pumping and brushing.
Alabama needs pumping, gates fabricated then brushed.
Airstrip needs gate repair then brushing.

Thanks again for the hard work guys!!


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Almost lost a boot at South House Sunday checking out the pit. True Arkansas muck!

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