Blogs / hunterzig's blog
hunterzig's blog
It's Official - Dove Hunt Opening Weekend - September 3 & 4, 2011
Good news!
We're hosting a dove hunt again after a couple years of uncooperative crops.
The 80-acre field we are hunting is the farmer's favorite dove field and it's cut milo… one of the dove's favorite and easy to find downed birds. more »
Potential AR dove hunt opener
As always, I'm looking for hunts for the club and my farmer buddy around marked tree might be letting us hunt a fresh cut field this year. No promises as it depends on milo harvest and a couple other things, but stay tuned till later this month when he'll let me know. more »
1st Place in GA meat
Contrats to AJ for representin in GA. He blew em away down there.
dekes on the ground.......pinata
The decoy flock is in better shape than ever and all polybags are full of untangled dekes.
Good work to the post season clean up crew.
Lacie's Litter
Breeder says her pups will be poppin out next week. By the looks of her tummy, it looks like Antonio is in there trying to get out. Can't wait to see the pups and have the kids in the club come for visits. more »
Josies tonite at 8
Last big crowd for awhile. Bring it on.
Upland bird hunt this weekend only.
We are having a pheasant and mostly chucker ( because chuckers fly better than quail or pheasants) hunt this Saturday and Sunday. The shooting times are: 10:30, 1:00, and 3:00. Meet at Jordan's Quick Stop located on Hwy 14, east of Harrisburg. 30 minutes prior to your shooting time. The cost will be $100.00 per person. more »
2010 Pig Ridin Wisconsin Style
If you were at the club meeting you saw this, if not, here's the story. The Clemens boys roll in day before opener and after driving all night from WI, had a little energy. When I explained to John that we needed to pick a pig and ride it for fun, his eyes got big. Since he didn't want to get his clothes dirty......the rest is history.