Blogs / Bradley's blog / Welcome New Guys

Welcome New Guys

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


If you are new...welcome. This is the way our club works. If you have already given Hunter Z your check you're in. Ill let you in on the secret, We really don't hunt ducks at all. Three Rivers is a giant Ponzi scheme with investments in Antigua. We like to call Hunter Z the Bernie Madoff of duck hunting. See the way this works is next year you get 4 or 5 of your friends in the club get them to write a check and then split the "profits". Its really a brilliant pyramid scheme. In fact you can just give me your shotgun shells... I can tell you guys about Amway and Tupperware opening weekend.

Just kidding of course, Three Rivers has meant a great deal to me and my family. We have had plenty of ducks to shoot at although i should say i have crippled or missed alot of ducks, made great friends and had a great time over the last 6 years. In fact, i have made some business contacts too. I have made friends from Texas, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee even Canada all thru three rivers. Honestly if i had a flat tire within 100 miles of any one of their houses i would call those three rivers friends. Of course they would laugh their ace off at me and tell me to get AAA, but i would call them. They would not help me but we would laugh together for a minute. I would not call collect...just straight up call em.

Anywho, if you have any preconceived notions about how a duck club is "supposed" to look, leave it at the door. We do things a little different and it works great. Most people really enjoy the system, its designed to be fair and niceness has perks too. That guy you invite to sit in your pit when its ducky is the guy that may invite you to his pit when his is ducky. Tell the Georgia guys you are only interested in HUNTING though.

Can't wait till opening day. Hunter it looks like you did it again the club is in great shape so far! Thanks

Also, just so everyone knows Greg Holley keeps a wheel of cheese in his truck.

Oh and for the new guys, Harrisburg has been really good to us as duck hunters. Please remember this when conducting business in Hburg. They see the stickers and they like us.

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moo's picture

O St. Loops, we miss thee...

iceman's picture

Greg Holley has been known to eat the whole wheel of cheese himself and then poop in the refrigerator...

The key sign that you have been in Harrisburg too long is the when the girls at the Food Giant start looking hot...

If Bradley calls you into his room because he is "cold"... don't fall for that one...

If we have just finished watching Anchorman for the 100th time that day... you just need to accept it...

The shrine to John Farley is located in the ladies room, please light a candle and say a prayer before every hunt to ensure St. Loops keeps the game wardens away...

If you want to hop over the ditch and hunt in Claypools reserve one day... they LOVE it when you do that... Obama's healthcare will take care of you...

Hunter Z will take food stamps, IOU's, or "favors" if you are running a little short on cash for your dues...

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