Blogs / Bradley's blog / Warning for the Ducks and My Manifesto

Warning for the Ducks and My Manifesto

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


I could waller in self pity from opening day results or i could get nasty that is...
The up side is we can only go up from here and i am mad. Usually after opening week the ducks slow and my taste for duck blood is tame. I am now rabid. I know their are plenty of ducks in the breeding grounds in Canada...When they come down i will be pissed...Death from below to any duck.... I am usually pretty laid back but i am mad at them now. How dare they challenge me! All i usually want is a few limit hunts...NOW i will have face paint on till the end of the season. I will carry two shotguns. I will clean my gun everyday (their are many like my shotgun but this one is mine), i will make sure my camo matches, I will sleep in the pit, i will waste no shots. I will polish the decoys and rearrange them before each hunt. No more leaving the pit at 10:30 for Betty's breakfast and a nap. I will carry their tiny green scalps with me in my pocket. Rusty Getter wrote "Down out North Bridge" I will write a heavy metal song titled "Death to Birds from Canada". I will eat duck livers cold on crackers...So when you see me with crazy looking eyes you will know...I am out for blood.

WOE BE TO ANY DUCK FROM THIS POINT ON....THEY WILL PAY! I will put so much duck blood in the water they will not be able to grow rice next year.....

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rusty's picture

Another typical insomnia night (fairly common for old farts) but just had a chance to read the manifesto...I tried my best to contain myself but finally lost it halfway down and woke the wife at 5 AM. Good one Bradley...that is a keeper

Rusty Getter

iceman's picture

I had a tough time with that puzzle...

I tried a hundred different ways... the 7448 is impossible... GHI doesn't give many options...

please help!

Gee, the ducks never did anything to me, although they did stand me up for the majority of the last three seasons. I really don't feel the need to get even. I even have a feud going with my next door neighbor over his wanting to get even withthe ducks!

If U think U can you're right.
IfUThink U can't you're right!

PETA called looking for Bradley's home phone number. I told them it was (901)328-7448. (If you like a puzzle figure it out.)


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