Blogs / Bradley's blog / Robo wierd

Robo wierd

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


Ok i have heard every theory i can think of about Robo ducks. We had two today plus a mallard floater robo that splashed water. Seems like the ducks get brought down from 80 yards to 65 yards by the robo but then shy up.... In fact i am not even sure that a robo helped us at all today.

What is everybody's opinion? Robo v. No Robo?

Does anyone know anything abot the remote kits? I was going to buy Mark's robo a remote kit if anyone knew where i could get one.

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gregholley's picture

I depends on the day. Find a pattern. Late season last year, we held the robo out of the pit to attract them from far off, then turned it off and brought it in the pit when they got close - worked great.

Pay attention to wind direction and weather conditions at each pit you hunt (especially on the Claypools farm). Write what you think you learned in a journal after every hunt. In time, you will find some things pridictable - including whens and wheres on robo's. Robo's are tools like duck calls and decoys. If what you are doing doesn't work change, move, increase, decrease or quit something until it does. Only thing I know for sure is that every day is different.

That's all I got.

Auto5man's picture


Auto5man's picture

Take what the ducks will give ya....when they come close enough.....shoot 'em in the lips!

groovy grover

Alan Wilson's picture

We used the robo floater and the pole robo at Claypools and brought in 4 limits. The mallards seemed to work down pretty well. I think running a remote to bring them in then shut it off once they see you. As for Spatches, you can wave a sheet at them and they will try to land on it. It was cloudy and foggy. Doesn't work for geese though, the field we were in was covered with geese, they would fly straight to us then split just as they were approaching us, SOOOO... Cloudy days...YES. Here is a link to bass pro for your remote.

randy's picture

We had two running and would have had three , if Ole Rick could have fixed it, It was cloudy, and we killed several ducks when NO ONE was touching a duck call. We let mallards work in complete silence, and they circled and circled and came right on in. So I say hunt with what ever confidence you need and don't second quess. I honestly believe we give ducks too much, in my humble opinion!


I went hunting sunday morning 12/13/09 and i hunted olone, and I killed my limits of mallards. I used no robo, so I'd say if it is not sunny then don't use the robo. But if you are using it and they are getting shy turn it off . Through my years of hunting the robo just doesn't have that touch as it use to.

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