Blogs / Bradley's blog / My new theme song is "don't fear the reaper"

My new theme song is "don't fear the reaper"

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


Holy long meetings last night.... Whats up with that guy Hunter? I mean i paid my $150 to hunt at three rivers not hear a bunch of h000wwee.

to new members the above line is called an online "check" not much truth to what i write on this website just good PG13 fun.

Oh and by the way, Johnny May does shave his chest and that is him on all the ads around town, loops is a closet guy, iceman can't write music- he can sing though, Eggs has a magic waist, joel likes pina colado and gettin caught in the rain, They use alvacados and mud masks down at the L10 before bed, where is Mack and his paw print argo anyway?

Before anyone checks me back.... no four boxes of shells is acceptable given the fact that 6 ducks is the limit and yes i have gained a few pounds since last season and i am a cheep skate. Huh beat you to it! I always have more material..... loops had to quit he couldn't keep up.

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Bradley's picture

about myself when i put down others. Is that so wrong?

Auto5man's picture

on a roll, what can I say? It's about time for a certain redfish to show himself again...


Auto5man's picture

There are lots of great medicines out there for mood stabilization. I have some great samples...Let me know when that mania reaches the breakin' point for ya.


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