Blogs / Bradley's blog / My civil rights have been trampled

My civil rights have been trampled

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


I have been censored..... Yes its true. Despite the fact that i have remained and will remain a PG13 blogger i have been censored. Where is the artistic expression? I mean no one covered up Michael Angelo's statue of David..... What the Heck! Why me?

I think i am going to call the ACLU! This is non sense!

I am a PG 13 Blogger and Proud!

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Bradley's picture


Auto5man's picture

even BEFORE I know you've had enough time for several cervezas. braaaaaaaappppppppp!

hunterzig's picture

Ouch, the lurking eyes of Moo can always lock on and jerk your blogs around like Lacie and a crippled spoonbill. Keep it real.

On a serious note, l've had a ball seeing all the sillyness on the site over the past few months and we'lve got quite an audience for the entertainment. However, let's lay off the silly blogs for a week or so and keep it to helping the new guys get used to the club, the site and lay of the land. Make sense?

Free Ranger called me the other day and is curious if you'll be wearing your white shoes Saturday night at the party.


trip's picture

Bradley, are you asking this great city council of three rivers to censure you?

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