Blogs / Bradley's blog / Happily Married Guy Hunting Lines

Happily Married Guy Hunting Lines

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


Iceman is getting hitched and has asked for advice as to how to keep the misses happy while you chase ducks....

I went into my arsenal of copywritten responses. Below are a few of my finest:

Honey I have to hunt...How do you think we feed our family.

Honey, I am taking out clients. Do you think i enjoy taking clients hunting? I probably won't even drink a beer.

Honey, I shoot and kill the ducks, its not an affair. I love you.

Honey, do you remember that real estate deal that i did that paid for our vacation? Well the guy that gave me that lead wants to hunt today. He may have another lead for me...

Honey, (insert club members name) is having some trouble with his (job,money or marriage) and i am going over to harrisburg to hang out with him and give him some advice.

Honey, the kids want to go hunting and i want us to support them in their hobbies. You want to be supportive dont you?

Honey, its good for the kids. You dont want our kids huffing glue,smoking crack cocaine do you? These day you have to provide kids with a good environment. I searched for the best family duck hunting club and i found it at three rivers.

Honey, if you dont let a lab hunt...they die. Its not for me it for our dog. Do you want to kill the dog?

And my best....

Honey, if you dont want me to hunt this weekend i wont...but you have to tell Nelson and Weezie they are not going hunting. I think some of their friends were going to. Its cool with me though, they will be devastated. whatever?

Iceman- you can do it. Its really just sales and marketing when you think about it.

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iceman's picture

Those are all great. I went ahead and wrote them on the back of my hand. My favorite is the the dog one! It is a scientific fact that Kota will explode if she doesn't hunt!!!
If it is sales and marketing, that is what I do for a living, so I am in like flynn! The best words of advice came from Joel's wife at a shower... she said "don't try to fight it, learn to love and embrace duck season, it is my time just as well as it is his time." Joel has got a keeper there!!!! Thanks for the wise words... if all else fails. Dan wrote me up one HELL of a pre-nump!

dan's picture

Well, as a twice divorced divorce lawyer-it's the only kind of law I do, been doing it 29 years- I can safely say there's no way to keep 'em happy about hunting. It's just not meant to be. I never could figure out my second ex-wife...she'd give me gifts like guns, hunting clothes, hunting books, etc, then get mad at me for going hunting. Go figure.

Anyway, to add to Brad's list of one liners, I always had one I liked. It didn't solve the problem, but it would at least stop the talking and get things moved on to the fighting that i knew was coming anyway. I would just say:

"Look, I didn't ask to be born a guy."

That always did it for me.


gregholley's picture

It's like the meal minimum at the CC babe, if you don't hunt at least 30 days, they won't let you back in.

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