Blogs / Bradley's blog / Grover and his beloved bands

Grover and his beloved bands

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


Grover if something makes you that miserable you should set it free if it comes back strangle it and fry it in a pan.
I will agree to hold onto your beloved duck bands for the next several years.
Really this is why i quit gambling...i hate losing money soo bad.
I also hate to get in the middle of an argument or cat fight really... I think i heard you read Hunter the riot act about losing your calls. I know hunter is a little loosy goosy but i thought you were hard on him. You accused him of losing your bands...I realize that Hunter missed a few responsiblity lessons in school but come on...
You should appolgize AND offer him one of your bands as an olive branch...AT LEAST YOU SHOULD LOOK IN YOUR BLIND BAG BEFORE BLAMING YOUR BROTHER>:

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Bradley's picture

good one...yet you still missed telling Hunter you were sorry...

You are good grover...I should try a gumpy tude sometime it sure seems like less work. Emotional detatchment is so liberating too. Do you know Mike Johns?

Wow you have been hunting ducks your whole life and only have 11 bands...sorry dude.

As for the band comment, I will respond, I have shot a band or believe i shot a band in Vance MS. I give it to the generous landowner who invited me on the trip. It was actually my first duck hunt too. I have a picture. That was 7 years ago. For my first two years of hunting at the Riv i hunted with Eggs and Joel,not sure if they would have even told me if we had had a band.
See Grover sometimes it feels good to give rather than take.

And for the duck call...i sound better than a duck! I have never returned a call... sure ill admit you are better at blowing on things than me...its more natural for you...

Love you Grover (agape love)


hunterzig's picture

Brotherly live that I can relate to for sure.


Auto5man's picture

I realize the significance of the missing bands and and sweet blowing calls held no meaning for you, after all.... ONE) I'm not sure that your lanyard has any bands on it, and....TWO) any call you happen to purchase and grace your lanyard with always seems to have the same malfunction (how many 'defective' calls have you had to return for the screech owl noises they make?), surely they can't all be lemons? I bet the salesperson had no problem giving you a FULL refund after you demonstrated how the call wasn't working properly, or did they just promptly call security and tell you to get out.


P.S. Now for those of you dear readers who think that Bradley is hacking on me, or that I was mean-spirited in my response, you just don't realize the near brotherly depth of our relationship and that this is just normal loving interaction. :)

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