Blogs / Bradley's blog / Decoy Pick Up

Decoy Pick Up

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


Some blue bloods call them Da-coys, I call them Deeecoys. Anyway, they need to be picked up asap. The farmers are ready to make repairs to the fields in order to plant the next crop. Lets be respectful to our farmers and do our job.

Bottom line is without Hunter Z at 100%, i would like to think we could get this done without him. I think we can do it. It is the last thing he needs is to worry about 3000 decoys being run over by tractors. If you guys know Hunter, he will come over to pick up day if he thinks we don't have it figured out. The massive line of stitches on his stomach would bust wide open if he picked up a deek. Me and Grover can "Go Nuts" and help get it done.

I need everyone to come to the Triv clubhouse at 8 this Saturday and report to Col. Grover. We can cook at the Triv Clubhouse Friday night, have a few cold coke colas maybe throw a burger on the grill, play some cards, sleep late then bust a move on the DEEECOYS.

By the way if you have not seen the house since the improvements... it is as nice as i have ever seen it. The whole house is tile and it looks great. Sergio is a little machine.

Oh by the way, Hunter is doing better. He is out of the hospital but cannot fly home yet.

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Bradley's picture

Saturday the 13th of Feb. We could celebrate valentines early too.

iceman's picture

Please clarify what Saturday you are reffering to... I am ready to join in the good vibes to pick up deeks... but I think the website posts are a day behind, beacuse it said you typed this on the 6th... in that case... are we doing it again next Saturday???

Bradley's picture

What time you will be reporting for duty and how many of your friends you will bring over.


gregholley's picture

He ain't got no stink'in friends!

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