Snow Goose Smack Down
It's gotta be going down. Somebody post some pics. Duckman.....Somebody......Anybody. Need'in some candy.
Decoy Nation...Call TO ARMS!!
Yes, its that time,,,time to start NEXT season out right by having the decoys put up properly and ready to go. Section 2 is mostly done, this weekend the temps are gona be nice in the 60's and perfect for dekin' it. Need some manpower, all who can come for the great decoy roundup 2011. We will start at noon on saturday so no worries, you can sleep in. more »
if no one cares
I will be taking three kids along with their parents in the dry bean field next to alabama. So if u don't care please slow me to have alabama to myself
Lacie's Litter
Breeder says her pups will be poppin out next week. By the looks of her tummy, it looks like Antonio is in there trying to get out. Can't wait to see the pups and have the kids in the club come for visits. more »
more but different
remember way back in Oct/Nov when it was dry...check these out....burning rice and dry tupelo swamps.