Tidy Up

hunterzig's picture

By (hunterzig) -


We had a good little wind storm the other night that did a number on most of our decoy spreads. Take time to retrieve all stray decoys and let's get the blocks looking good again ASAP.
I've had several folks tell me that the pits have trash and water in them. Take a trash bag and milk jug with you just like you'd take shells for your gun and let's get the pits spotless before the weekend. Keep them that way as they are too nice to have trash or water in the bottom and our tidiness is a reflection to the farmers of how we respect property.
Make me and your momma proud and if you see that a pit is trashed, call the folks that had it the day before and let them know that they forgot to take care of business.
Not many birds around today and we think the lightning storm moved them out, but they can come back as quick as they left, so don't lose heart.

Hope to see you soon-HZ

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Bradley's picture

Sardines are for birds...

iceman's picture

After hunting south bridge yesterday... I have to wonder if some people are able to dress themselves in the morning without their mommies!!! HOLY SMOKES... can you not carry out your own water bottles, plastic bags, and shell boxes????? Waaaaaaannnnnkkkkksssss

Auto5man's picture

My personal goal for the year is to have at least TWO empty cans of sardines and ONE can of Bryan genuine Vienna Sausages gracefully adorning the brick-a-brack shelf of each and every pit. I'll pack out the empty diet dr pepper cans and empty dasani bottles, and the empty shell hulls.....I like them to set sail on windy days outside the pit eggstyle; but sardine and vienna cans have to be seen....they are pit ambience very important for the total duck hunting experience. After enjoying their lip-smacking goodness I gently wash the cans before lovingly placing them on the shelf. Very comforting to return to a pit and know I've been there. And what's even more exciting, this year I have some converts. I've actually been to some pits for the first time of the year and found a sardine can or vienna sausage can sprinkled here and there!

Cheers, or as Joelby likes to say....BIZZO!


to leave the sardine or vienna sausage cans behind then you should at least save some of the contents for the next group to snack on. You know, stuff like that can sit out for days and still be good.

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