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By (randy) -


To call or not to call? That is the question: Thanks Louis for backing my hunting method up with your first hand knowledge.

I'm no expert, but in my opinion, and most professional's will agree, Duck Hunters CALL TOO DANG MUCH. Antonio and George W. will disagree with me but that's a whole nother story, but I know I killed 100 or more ducks this year and did very, and I mean very little, or NO calling.

I'm amazed sometimes at our confidence in thinking we can fool a duck with a piece of acrylic, plastic, or wood and a couple reeds. Now I know they can work, I've seen it. I've seen ducks turn like they were on a string at a duck call, but when they have heard it, from far better duck callers than I , for 5 months, I have nothing new to show them except "quiet" and it works.

I will let you all in on a little secret though, If you can get Thunder Dan in your pit to sing, "Grandma's Feather Bed" the teal LOVE IT. On several occasions Ole Dan was singing away when ducks came from everywhere to hear the free concert. Perhaps next year a quartet can be put together.

Sorry I saved my secret weapon for the end of the season, but I was sworn to secrecy until today. Dan is avaiable for hire, he charges $39.95 a day for his talents.

Pictures To follow!!
