Blogs / Bradley's blog / The house looks like a swine's ace

The house looks like a swine's ace

Bradley's picture

By (Bradley) -


Statement # 1 Blackbirds should be thrown in the can. If you cant do that perhaps our pyrotechnical expert, Andy can burn the birds for you. Shotgun shells really should be picked up too, although I havent picked any up yet either, pologies.

Statement #2 Guests and members are making a mess and not cleaning up, so clean up.

Statement #3 Who in the world left the door unlocked? If you hunted sunday or had guest hunting on your behalf then you know who you are.

Statement #4 If you eat my food out of the refrigerator at least throw the packaging away in the garbage can. Nothing like seeing trash behind the house from food that you did not eat but paid for. Ahole

Statement #5 If you have anything to contribute, come clean up with us this weekend.


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what in the hell's a swine's ace???? By the way, I left the door unlocked and taped signs with directions to "the house with the unlocked back door" in all of the businesses windows in H-burg. So you can kiss my ace!!!!!!

now that I think of it, I wasn't even at Three Rivers this weekend.

But everyone can still kiss my ace!!!

Auto5man's picture

WOW! That was a firm first I was sad that I had to work this last weekend, but now I'm kinda glad I wasn't there to leave the door open and all the heaters on.


I fed your damn food to the BLACK BIRDS and they left the door open while leaving the wrappers behind. Damn BLACK BIRDS are a nuisance! You can suck it Trebeck if you don't like it. I was at the pit Sunday and there were only two vehicles in front of the house. I never went in to check and see who it was, but left around 9:15 am and the trucks were gone. Later - Double T

Bradley's picture


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