Cat in Heeb Bunkhouse left locked inside!!!!

Cat in Heeb Bunkhouse left locked inside!!!!

Auto5man's picture

By (Auto5man) -


Holy cat shit in the bunkhouse, Batman! If anyone happens to go by the bunkhouse and sees a yellow tabby cat like a skinnier version of the one in attached photo...PLEASE NEVER LET HIM INSIDE THE BUNKHOUSE!! And believe me, he WILL TRY TO GET IN, but don't give in or be soft-hearted. For one, I am allergic to cats, as are all Zieglers for that matter. Another good reason is that you may forget to let him out before you go home, and then you can imagine what happens after he eats a bunch of mice and drinks lots of toilet water.....well, he has to shit (ALOT) and piss (ALOT) and as there isn't a kitty litter box or even a cat that is trained to use one.......I think you can form a mental picture of what the bunkhouse looked and smelled like when poor Stiles arrived there this afternoon to settle in. Imagine his surprise at the shape his lodgings were in. And while I'm on the subject, whoever left the cat in the bunkhouse probably owes Stiles a sincere apology as he had to find alternate lodgings for himself and his two guest for the night.

C'mon people, lets use a little common sense. And remember that we RENT these various houses and bunkhouses, they are owned by local farmers like Tony Heeb and Greg Reddman. The first time I saw Tony Heeb before duck season started, he made it a point to talk about how awful the bunkhouse (HIS property) looked and how it was left at the end of the season last year. He was polite and softspoken about it, but.....well you get the idea. We want the lasting impressions to be good ones.


I threw the thing out with extreme prejudice upon our exit Thurs. night when we left.
It's a pain in the arse and unless the Heeb's object, needs to be relocated to a nice neighborhood in Harrisburg.

Auto5man's picture

for relocation. The cat needs to perfect its scrounging abilities several miles from the bunkhouse. Maybe he could be a pit mascot somewhere?? Will cats eat spiders?


joelby's picture

Meow, who left the cat inside?


Auto5man's picture

I've been stuck in Memphis and don't know whose been cribbin' it up there of late. Just felt bad for Stiles who was treated to the sights and smells on arrival yesterday afternoon...

Where did you find this blog post of mine anyway? I posted it a different way because I was attempting to attach a picture....then I couldn't find it where my blog posts normally show up! It also didn't show in the "recent blog posts" column.


joelby's picture

and then went away.

I wonder if Moo aborted it.

Call me if you wanna know who I think may have let the cat in.

