Blogs / LouisB's blog
LouisB's blog

Heck of a weekend
Great meeting new members! Fun times as always. Thank you Hunter and Beefy for all the hard work and countless hours getting it all done. I know you probably don't hear thank you enough but really!!! Looking forward to another great year. Oh, and Grover and Moo you also have put in the time. No other place I'd rather be. See yall next week!

Section 2 hunting and the lack thereof.....
I hope everyone had a great holidays. Just wanted to throw out there my kids and I hunted Road Pit yesterday afternoon. Only got a greenhead and spoon, but saw several ducks flying and working. Should have had more but was helping my daughter, Ruthie, shoot and try to get her 1st duck. That's still a work in progress, but just wanted to give a shout out to the Section 2 area. more »

Great Start!
Great seeing everyone and meeting the new guys.
Really enjoyed hunting the first week. Michael Smith my boys, Allton and Hadden, really enjoyed hunting with you and had a great time.
I hope everyone can appreciate what a great club with have to hunt as hard as you want and enjoy some great fellowship too. Thank you Hunter for making 3Riv what it is.
See you after the break. more »

Polaris 90 For Sale
Just throwing out there one my kids Polaris 90 that I'm selling! I bought new for the kids and all have outgrown it! Great shape and just had it serviced by Michael Hall over at Memphis Honda. So, if you or anyone you know wants a great Polaris Sportsman 90, call me!
Louis Burgess

Redneck Abs
Ok, when I saw this I thought John May had been modeling over at 3Riv...I'm sure we all have put on a few pounds! Looking forward to seeing everyone over there with their shirts on!

Great Opening Weekend
Great seeing everyone and meeting new members. Boys and I loved starting off the season!

Early Teal
Good first day of shooting for myself and the boys! We're in the new blind at Beedeville with a couple of others and had some nice groups of teal come in. Ended up with 11 in all and good times on the first morning. If you haven't been to Beedeville, go check it out. Hunter and the crew has done a great job for upcoming season. It's going to kill some ducks! See everyone soon.

Youth Hunt
Great way to end the season. The boys and I were in Section 2 pit Saturday morning and ducks all over the place. The boys tore it up. They tried so hard to get 2 limits, but that last one they just kept missing. Hard to believe that 14 and 11 about outshot their dad during the weekend. Really fun day calling and watching them "run" the show and yell "take em"! more »