Blogs / hunterzig's blog
hunterzig's blog

Hickory Ridge, Arkansas - Nice House and Duck Field (bordering Bayou DeView) for sale
View attachment for details on a naturally ducky field and nice house in our neck of the woods.
If you would like a look in person, get with me as I'm in Poinsett County Arkansas at least weekly. more »

Delta Waterfowl Banquet, Tuesday 6PM 10-1-13
On October 1, the Delta Waterfowl Banquet sponsored by Dobbs Equity Partners begins at 6:00pm at the Holiday Inn on the University of Memphis Campus, 330 Innovation Dr., Memphis, TN 38152. Open bars serving top shelf liquor to over 600 of the most fervent duck hunters in and around Memphis. Dinner is served at 7:00pm. more »

2012-2013 Duck Population Numbers, by Species
The duck population numbers are in, and the Duckologists are saying the "2013 Duck Numbers Remain Strong!"
The US Fish & Wildlife Service surveys show a 6 percent decrease from last year, but their total birds surveyed is still 33 percent above the 1955-2012 long-term average.
Here are the write-ups from the experts: more »

4 Interesting Snow Goose Facts
1) Blue Geese are just regular Snow Geese, with a single gene switched on. Blues' offspring are sometimes fully white.
2) Hunting Snow Geese in the Eastern US was outlawed in 1916 due to population concerns! more »

Duck Club Decorating
These were donated by Grover for the den. Not sure how we're gonna mount them but will be good when they are up. One is our beloved Pop's pirogue made with his own hands in a couple weekends. We Zigs retrieved many a cripple with that little tippy rascal. more »

It'll be Duck Season soon! But what have you been up to this summer?
All right, so maybe I'm looking for an excuse to share a picture of my 7-year-old son Gill and this very respectable rainbow trout that he hooked and landed by himself at the good 'ole Spring River!
Please post pics of what you've been up to this summer!

2013 Early Teal Season dates and limits are set!
Waterfowl - Early Teal
Species: Teal, Blue-winged;Teal, Cinnamon;Teal, Green-winged
Opens: 9/7/2013
Closes: 9/22/2013
Shooting Hours: Sunrise Until Sunset
Limits: Daily limit is 6 of any blue-winged, green-winged and cinnamon teal. Possession limit is 18.
That's an increase of 2 teal over last season!
Hopefully they'll be some water around to give them a try.

Youth Weekend Plan
Bring the kids on! I've heard good duck reports from a few guys so bring a lot of shells. Bring clays for the skeet thrower, swim suits for the hot tub.
Blind update: water and decoys are good to go at:
S. House
N. Roberts
S. Roberts
S. Bridge
Claypool Lane
Fish Pond
The Larry
and possibly Marked Tree more »