Blogs / hunterzig's blog / 4 Interesting Snow Goose Facts

4 Interesting Snow Goose Facts

hunterzig's picture

By (hunterzig) -


1) Blue Geese are just regular Snow Geese, with a single gene switched on. Blues' offspring are sometimes fully white.

2) Hunting Snow Geese in the Eastern US was outlawed in 1916 due to population concerns!

3) As impressive on foot as on the wing (as you know if you've ever had an epic cripple chase!), Snow Geese can outrun many predators, even while molting! They start early, as goslings may walk up to 50 miles with their parents from the nest to a brood-rearing area.

4) The oldest Snow Goose on record was shot in Texas in 1999, and was 27 and a half years old!

Here are a few Goose Pics, all taken in our own Poinsett County, Arkansas.

( facts via Cornell Lab of Ornithology )
