Calling Ducks and Hot Lead

Calling Ducks - We're going to have the duck calling sessions at the Shady Grove house again this year. Ryan Hadsky, former Pro Staff at Buck Gardner calls will help us fine tune our calling. Starting Tuesday, October 23rd at 6:00pm (and the three following Tuesdays) we'll meet to work on different calls. There will be food, so you will not go away hungry. E-mail me for directions and information.

Hot Lead - In addition, us 3Riv members will stick around after the calling sessions and mold decoy weights. The group made about 200 last week, but we have 1000 to go. Stop in at auto service centers and ask them to save their discarded lead weights for you. Bring them to the meetings. " more »

hunterzig's picture

Work Days and Molt Night

3. Scheduled work days are as follows: 10/6/07, 10/20/07, 10/27/07,
11/3/07, 11/10/07 Please make at least 2 of the preseason work days,
but feel free to bring your friends to all ot them as we've got a lot
to do.

4. Starting 10-3-07, every Wednesday night at my house @7, we will
be manufacturing lead decoy weights. We need @ 1,500, so stop by
your local tire store with a pickle bucket with your name on it and
sweet talk the guys in back to save weights for you and bring on
Wednesday nights.

hunterzig's picture

Work Days

Scheduled work days are as follows:

10/6/07 Clean up clubhouses

get bent

put down on your calender the work days!
as we have more pits this year. I have been a member here at the riv for over 10 years and I know that when you come over for work days you are only helping yourself.You learn where all the pits are and how to get to them.There are going to be certain pits this year that are not going to be able to be driven to in a truck.
By that I mean parking and 4wheelin in. more »

hunterzig's picture

Blue Wing Teal Season

Not sure if you know, but teal season opens this Saturday morning and after all the rain we got last weekend, there might be a few of the little sneaky guys around. Forecast is great, so come on over.


Bradley's picture

Online loser test

I kinda feel like a kid who sits in the back of the room and maybe eats glue. Where is everybody? This is my forth post and no responses. Golly shucks je Whitakers, i think ill go talk to my other online friends. Oh wait.....

You know you are a loser if your online buddies arent responding. Who in this day and time can post something on the internet and leave it for two days and not get responded to??????????

My foot fetish club responds alot better than you guys. Im out!

Bradley's picture

Halloween Party

Mark that calendar for October 20 at 7:00. Party at my STABLE should be fun. Costumes are optional. Yanks and Little Rock guys are welcome to crash here.

For those of you that came two years should be similar.

Mouse it will be worth the drive.......

Bradley's picture

Website adm guys

Can i be somebody other than Ed Bradley from 60 minutes? I think that guy is dead anyway.

How bout Elvis?
