Blogs / Auto5man's blog / Work Day Recap 10/17-18/09 work weekend

Work Day Recap 10/17-18/09 work weekend

Auto5man's picture

By (Auto5man) -


First, a big shout out for all who came and participated. We had a large, hardworking bunch and accomplished alot. Here is a recap of the work accomplished:

1. House Pit: untouched
2. South House: scheduled for installation Sat 10/24
3. Yankee: Pumped and cleaned
4. North Roberts: pumped and cleaned
5. South Roberts: pumped
6. South Bridge: pumped and cleaned
7. North Bridge: pumped and cleaned
8. Section 2: pumped and cleaned
9. Airstrip: pumped and cleaned
10. Lost: pumped, cleaned, and brushed/riced
11. Berger: untouched, sheduled to move pit sat 10/24
12. Alabama: untouched, sheduled for removal and new pit install sat 10/24
13. East Fish Pond: Pumped (crop not harvested)
14. West Fish Pond: untouched (crop not harvested)
15. Claypool's: pumped, cleaned, and brushed/riced
16. East Rayburn: pumped, cleaned, brushed/riced
17. West Rayburn: pumped, cleaned, brushed/riced

-Additionally, enough rice was cut and bundled to rice/brush ALL the pits and have enough left over for rebrushing as needed over the course of the season.

-Three Rivers main clubhouse crew made lots of progress with repairs and cleaning.

This Saturday 10/24 our main focus will be brush/ricing the gates on all the pits in section 2 (N Roberts, South Roberts, N Bridge, S Bridge, Yankee, Section 2), and getting one large polyvinyl bag of decoys to each pit. There is also some decoy work to do (strings, weights, etc) if we have extra helpers. House Pit needs to be pumped, cleaned, and brushed/riced, one crew will complete that then move on to rice the gates of the rest of the section 2 pits. While that work is being completed, we will need a large group of folks with trailers and four-wheelers to transfer the decoys from the North Shop to the pits, the goal being simply to get the bag out to the pit (one per pit, dekes will stay bagged at the pit for several more weeks).

Trailers and four-wheelers will be needed this weekend. Those with four-wheelers bring plenty of bungi cords for securing the bags on your four-wheeler. We had a shortage of side-cutter pliers last saturday, if you have a pair bring 'em. If I forgot to mention work accomplished feel free to comment.

Questions? Comments? Great work last Saturday! I just heard a report from one of our Yankee buddies today by phone...."Bockle yore seatbelts fellas, I've never seen so many docks in a LONG time...all flying high and tight and headed SOUTH!


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moo's picture

Great work guys!


hunterzig's picture

Yup, he's quite the hard a, but good to know work is getting done right with no shortcuts. Our pits(AR homes for 60 days) are going to be the cleanest thing under the ground this year or he'll let the air out of your tires.
Would like to see more triv vets at work days to meet and work with the new guys!! Come for a few hours if that's all you have time for.


iceman's picture

18. Grover got after it

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