Blogs / dan's blog / Thunder's Observations on Pit Cleanliness

Thunder's Observations on Pit Cleanliness

dan's picture

By (dan) -


With the season winding down I find it altogether appropriate and proper to take a moment of my EXTREMELY valuable time to thank and congratulate the 97.5% of our 3R's who have done a good job of keeping our pits exceptionally clean this year. I can only speculate that this may be related to the influx of some of our new members who practice better duck hunting hygiene than some of our past members.

And, possibly there is some correlation with the fact Porkchop has not been on the grounds this year. I swear that man could foul up last year's latrine. But I digress.

To get back on track, thanks and congrats to all of us who have figured out how not to trash a pit that our brothers have to hunt in the next day.

AND NOW, let me address whoever it might be that left water bottles behind in a few pits. Aw, you know who you are. Some observers of the human animal say the fowling of one's own environment is nothing more than a neantherthalic effort to affirm one's own sorry existence. I,e, Descartes' theory of " I think, therefore I am" becomes " I litter, therefore I am.". Forgive me, but I think ol' Descartes had a better idea.

So, in summation, again congrats to all you 3R's who have been keeping the pits cleaner than they've been in years. To the few that have to leave something behind to substantiate their own existence, take up graffiti or vandalizing restrooms if you have to, but leave your pit clean.

Porkchop, that might be an unfair shot above, but I are such an easy target. Thunder takes no prisoners.

All is well.


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porkchop's picture

Well THUNDER DAN all I have to say to you is "move " over .I just don't know why pray tell me you have to single me out .But I'm a big boy and can take it .Get ready here I come and your my target. Oh yea that Stoeger need to be shot by a real killer.

Richard Bishop's picture

Thunder, Did Moo teach you and only you, the spell check secret? The words you use in your blogs make Sukanya Roy (2011 spelling bee champ) want to take up "checkers"! In your next blog please use her 2011 winning word, cymotrichous! This word has nothing to do with Stoeger shotguns! Thunder, you have semi-cymotrichous hair.


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