Blogs / dan's blog / Thunder On Resting Ducks

Thunder On Resting Ducks

dan's picture

By (dan) -


As always seems to be the case, I have a brilliant idea.


Hell, I need the rest a whole lot more than they do!!! I'm tired, man.

No more getting up at 4:30am, hungover. No, we can get up at 8:30am, hungover!!!

Think about it, we let them sit there all morning, getting fat and drowsey from eating, all the time being lulled into a false sense of security. Then, we go out at noon and blast away.

We'll leisurely sip hot coffee, nibble on breakfast cakes, watch the morning news, and check the stock market, while all those idiots at all those other duck clubs are stumbling around in the early morning.

Fellow 3R's, I say this is an idea who's time has come!! Join me in this crusade to finally bring some gentility to the art of duck hunting. Tell Hunter you're with me! IT'S TIME!!!


Thunder Dan

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Richard Bishop's picture

Fellow Trivers, Please do not be sucked into the vortex of Thunder and his Obamaism! If you think for one moment his cabinet (Neely, Wade, Henszey, and "little Randy") will be sleeping in, Be warned!!!!! He will be borrowing money from other clubs, banks and the NRA to pay these guys to kill YOUR DUCKS! If you did not pay dues this year(we know who you are), join in the crusade, but if you did send money to the Ziegler family trust, get your tail out of bed and hunt
from sunrise till sunset. The first sign it's a trick, Dan in the hot tub with Hunter! Good luck closing the season out.


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