Blogs / eggstyle's blog / Stayin over

Stayin over

By (eggstyle) -


I will be huntin the first 14 straight. stay in contact bc that is when 80% of the birds are killed.


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Bradley's picture

I can however win a "checkin" contest in a hurry. Farley, you are so over your head........

Speaking of your head you need to trim that hair this year...or grow a stache. People are going to think we make films in the Riv house. You also need to watch out...AGandFish has your number.

Here is my impression of Farley...

"Hey everybody I got Mossy Oak decals plastered all over my truck..... Can someone come pull me out? While we are at it why do have the deoy spread like this? I disagree with that. That is so wrong! We should do this. At so and so club they do this better."

Is the Mossy Oak decals so that the tow trucks can find you?

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