Blogs / Auto5man's blog / South House makin' a statement...

South House makin' a statement...

Auto5man's picture

By (Auto5man) -


I bow down to you Mike Johns for finally breaking the 1 barrior at South House and boosting the numbers to THREE!!! heehee, that tickled are the MAN!

On a more serious note, would you have killed more had you been in the house pit rather than South House? I just can't imagine a good reason why we have the two pits so close to the other. When I hunted the house pit the other day, by far between the two pits House was better, but I did lose a few birds to the decoy spread in S House. I can't help but wonder if that spread wasn't there if the House pit wouldn't be a little better? What do you think? Anyone else have an opinion?


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Auto5man's picture

South House got removed from the House Pit has become "Greenbriar North". Most of the gates got jacked up in the move, but no worries, Stiles and I hauled his Lincoln Arc Welder out to the pit and fixed the gates. Hopefully, this will be a productive location, and should improve things at the House Pit.


in that we would have had more opportunities in the House pit. I couldn't help thinking that the whole time we were walking out there. But I couldn't resist the opportunity to try to add to some numbers to the S. House list.

Although once we were at S House, we became more focussed on the lightening flashes and bolts of lightening to the south of us.

We did have ducks look at us, but they still worked the House Pit most of the time we were out there. The two teal we did shoot were from the only group of ducks that came in close enough.

The fist time I hunted the House pit was back in 1997 or 1998 (members were Jeff Pearson and Britton Wilkens), and it was a great pit. We shot 24 or 25 on the 2nd day of the season. At the time the field was planted in rice, and if I remember correctly it was a strong shooting pit throughout that season. The S. House pit either did not exist or was not in use, and hunters didn't show much reluctance in shooting out of it.

It seems to me that if those two pits are going to remain in the same field, then they should be used as one draw. This would allow hunters to choose which one to hunt based on wind direction. This also should mean that hunters would need to
pick-up decoys after every hunt.

Auto5man's picture

pit origins are that this pit was moved about two years ago based on shaky premises. The South House pit used to be a hundred yeards or so southeast of the house pit very close to the levee road and closer to the pit we called the Edsel Pit. (the edsel pit is still there and is the pit you hear shooting from south of the house pit and its definitely a great pit at times. we had it one year and I personally had some great hunts in it)

It sucked in that location and I don't think anyone ever killed anything there. Many times the ducks using the house pit field don't work the decoy spread and just land wherever the hell they want. I think the South House was moved there to try and counter this situation. Not a good idea though, because in my opinion the ducks that use the field this way are ducks that are pretty much using that field as part of a daily pattern (not new ducks fresh off the flyway) and they are going to use the same spot day after day until someone lays out in the field and shoots them out. It hasn't solved that problem and made things worse by attracting ducks that probably would have worked into the house pit decoy spread. Good idea to make the South house and house one draw. we probably shouldn't even put decoys out at south house except maybe as a late season counter move to mix things up in that field if the ducks are shying off the decoy spread.


hunterzig's picture

I agree and will make the change for next season to consider them one draw.

Why aren't you here tonight? A good looking weather change is brewing, so make sure you don't miss it.

Wack em-HZ


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