Blogs / moo's blog / A shot in the dark...

A shot in the dark...

moo's picture

By (moo) -


Hey guys,

Here's a pic taken as our first club meeting winds down at Neal's Bar & Grill.
Guys it was great seeing you there tonight!


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moo's picture

Hello Dan,

To answer your question, your puter's web browser stores a tiny text file called a "cookie" that reminds it that you've already logged in recently.


dan's picture

Moo, Since you don't have much to do four days before season opens, I thought I'd ask you what has changed about the procedure for logging onto our 3R website. Used to, there was a box to click to log in. Now there is no box. And when I go on the site, it shows me as a logged in user when I haven't logged in. Is there some kind of automatic log in?

If so, to quote the old joke, "How do it know?" I'm not the only guy named Dan out there, just the most important.

Don't understand all this damn computer stuff anyway, but just wondering.

By the way, ol' George Washington looks particularly svelte in the background of that picture above.


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