Blogs / 's blog / Need Help with Hunt Scheduler!!

Need Help with Hunt Scheduler!!

By (Anonymous) -


Can someone help me I am unable to find my hunt schedule for this Saturday. I know what pit I am scheduled to be in but when I look at my hunt schedule I dont have any pits to choose from before Monday the 24th. Thanks ahead a time!!

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gregholley's picture

And decided you have already killed enough. Sorry. See you next year.

moo's picture

Hello Patrick,

Here's what I'd recommend in this situation.

1. Consult the Schedule PDF to determine your originally scheduled hunt (

2. Click on "All Hunts" in the upper-left-hand corner of our home page, which will show you all hunts for today. Once you have that page loaded up, click on Saturday's date, and look to see who has already confirmed the hunts you are scheduled to hunt. Members are NOT supposed to exclude each other on the schedule without a phone call or some other contact first, so that hunt still belongs to you as much as the rest of your team unless you gave it up verbally or let it go to Free Ranger already (which you didn't). Knowing that, it's not really a big deal unless one member is trying to fill up the team's pit with guests without asking the other team members first.

3. Give the guy a call, using the phone list on the Schedule page.

Let me know if you have trouble resolving this.



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