Blogs / moo's blog / Hearing Protection?

Hearing Protection?

moo's picture

By (moo) -


Last weekend I had the chance to try on a pair of Howard Leight/Bilsom Impact electronic-amping earmuffs. Unlike models I've seen before, they weren't overly bulky, and they didn't have a noisy hiss when switched on. I was shocked to find out how inexpensive they are!

Does anyone have an opinion about these electronic hearing proctors? (oddly, the Howard Leight/Bilsom Impact doesn't appear appear on the Ear Plug Store's shooting page).



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joelby's picture

I usually mash some play doh into my ears and then wear a nice warm pair of earmuffs so they won't get too cold.

Hope this helps.


I highly recommend hearing protection of some sort. I have a pair of the noise cancelling ear muff style you can try sometime. You can crank up the volume, but when the db gets to 70, it cuts out the noise. Only drawback is I can not accurately hear myself using a duck call for tone, etc. Which you have heard me call before, so that may be a bonus. Glenn


Alan Wilson's picture


Auto5man's picture

or plain ole 50 cent foam plugs, I highly recommend ANYTHING for ear protection, because today's gen x duck hunter will sacrifice YOUR hearing for the rest of your life over killing a spoonbill in a New York nanosecond....sad but true.


don't be a chub at 80..."what?"...."what?"

moo's picture

LOL! I'll always remember Chubby's comment to his poor grandson Walter after busting him GOOD at the old Robo pit, "Walt, want some papah for your eahrs?"

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