Blogs / hunterzig's blog / Don't Be Shy

Don't Be Shy

hunterzig's picture

By (hunterzig) -


Let's keep wackin em folks, b/c season will be closing this weekend and we need to get them while we can. This is the time of the season that we need to spread out and hunt smaller groups in more pits if we want to get the best harvest. Realize that 80% of our pits haven't been hunted in over a week, so be adventuresome and head to the pits outside of section 2 pits and let's hunt.

Also, note that the key to the Chase pit is on the post in a hide-a-key box, as well as at the main clubhouse. Make sure to close up the gates after you enter any of the Heeb pits.

Happy hunting-HZ

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Auto5man's picture

The Key is well-hidden. The casual looker will NOT find it. As you are facing the gate with your back to the north and vehicle pointed south, the key (in black hide-a-key box) is at the base of the left-hand pole on the south side. It is covered with vegetation at the base of the pole and cannot be seen without lifting the grass up a little.

Happy Hunting,


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