Blogs / Richard Bishop's blog / Awesome Trip!

Awesome Trip!

Richard Bishop's picture

By (Richard Bishop) -


Brought the clan back for one last hunt this past weekend! What was supposed to be a warmer/sunny Saturday turned out to be cloudy/strong winds and temps in the mid 30's but couldn't keep the girls in the clubhouse! After 3 trips on the 4-wheeler (3 daughters, a wife, 2 dogs, 4 mojo's and 2 dozen full bodies) to the SE levee in East Rayburn things picked up very quickly! Every teal in Arkansas showed up to put on a "shoot-at-a-thon" for the girls. 4+ boxes of shells and 10 ducks later made this their all time favorite hunt. A big "THANK YOU" to the guys at "the den" clubhouse for making the girls and Sophie (0 retrievers on her first hunt, but will be ready for next season) have such a great experience! Sophie would like to send a special thank you to "Thunder" for the 6 ounces of cowboy ribeye he brought her Saturday night from Past Times restaurant. I have included a couple of pictures of Sophie for next years bookings.

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johnnymay's picture

Well thats IS exactly what it is all about. I love those shots of the kids. Thank God there is a place where we can all get away, blow off some steam and still have a duck club that is a safe place for kids and family to build memories. Pop would be proud.

Johnny May

randy's picture

It was great finally getting to meet the entire Bishop Clan !!! A wonderful group of girls....Michelle included...

Glad you joined 3Riv's and have become one of my friends. Glad you went to South Dakota with us and glad to call you my "Roomie" this year at the new place. Both you and Doug have been great to share a room with and I look forward to next year already.

Hope you make this final weekend!

Hope to see you in October too....


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