Blogs / Auto5man's blog

Auto5man's blog

Auto5man's picture

Pit Cleaning

So far I've pumped North Roberts, Yankee, Burger, Claypool, & East Rayburn (formerly known as Claypool East). Just a few observations on pumping. Some of you may remember the pits last year that we SPOTLESSLY cleaned by using shovels, rakes, scoops and pickle buckets AFTER the initial pump out. more »

Auto5man's picture

Oh my...can you say-

Holy Specklbellies Batman??? Peeked at the reservoir sunday, at least 1/3 to 1/2 of the res covered with whitefronts. Never seen them concentrated in such large numbers before, must have been upwards of 10K!!! At dusk they came boiling out and hit the surrounding fields in smaller flocks of 500-1000K. Hope you are stocked up on Speck dekes and good gravy go get u a call! more »

Auto5man's picture

What You Need on a Camping Trip

As summer '08 draws to a close, it's always a good thing to begin preparations for next year's outings by reflecting on what can be learned from leading camping experts.

What You Need on a Camping Trip
by David L. Ziegler, Jr.
more »

Auto5man's picture

Holy Cow MOO!

The pics are stunning.....and working well in the new format...


Auto5man's picture

Hey EGGtastictimer

HOW MANY DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS.........til the first spoon is WHACKED b/c its the first thing that pitches in the dekes Opening Day????????

I rely on YOU for this sort of information.


Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 12-9-07 AM**

South Bridge

Total ducks-18.

THE HUNT LOG FEATURE IS NOW UP AND RUNNING. Use the "Open Season" link and then "hunt log" to view and log your hunts. You no longer need to post your hunts as blogs, use the new feature instead. A double asterisk next to older "Hunt Log" posts in the title line means the data has been entered into the hunt log.


Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 12-8-07 late morning/pm**

South Bridge

David Ziegler
Andy Bowden
Dr J Brantley

Mixed Bag!

6 Mallards
2 GW teal
3 Pintails
4 Grey Ducks
1 Widgeon
1 Spoon
1 Ringneck

Heavy Fog!

Auto5man's picture

HUNT LOG 12-8-07 am**

North Bridge

David Ziegler
Trip Spears

2 Mallards
1 Teal

Slow morning for N Bridge, South Bridge and Section 2 doing most the shooting.

NNE wind
