Blogs / randy's blog

randy's blog

randy's picture

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Boys!!! As much fun as we are having this season don't forget what time of year it is. Take a minute to remember the REAL reason for the season. Safe travels to you and your family.

randy's picture


Guys I have a guest and his two sons coming from South Carolina to hunt the 20, 21, 22. Monday the 20th I have Berger. Would any of you that have a better pit draw for Monday want to swap? I will be happy to return the favor to your team later in the season. Berger just doesn't have a consistant record and I'd really like for my guest to have a good time. more »

randy's picture

Confused Mallard

Killed this here Mallard in West Rayburn, drake's bill, partial green head, but had color of a hen and no curly cue tail.

I've seen similar thing with people in Memphis but now the ducks? Dang Global Warming I guess?

randy's picture

Hey Newbies

FYI, When the season is open and there are no blogs or reports about the hunting? Yeah, They're "spanking" the ducks, so you need to get over.

I will be there this afternoon, I'll make sure and give the 411 on all that's going on !!!!

Call in sick to work and COME ON OVER !

randy's picture

Happy Thanksgiving

Okay Boys, Have a great day with family and friends !!!!

randy's picture

Moo Da Man Again

Hey Moo, love the new map feature. The web page just keeps getting better and better.

Also if anyone reads this, My team has Alabama for Friday. I'm NOT claiming it but might make it over for an afternoon hunt. I don't want to claim it and knock someone out of a good morning hunt, So if you grab it please let me know so I can call and see if its available for me and my boy that afternoon. more »

randy's picture

More Pics

I hope I'm not crowding the page with pics but some are pretty cool. I'm really suprised others aren't sharing. If you took some put em up here!

In the last pic you will see two spoonies. Look close you can see the shell wad and a puff of feathers off the bird to the right and the one on the left puttin on the brakes !

randy's picture

Opening Weekend Pics

Here are a few pics from Group 5, The sunset is from South Roberts on Sat.
