More birds in the air
Starting to see a lot more birds in the air. Looking forward to this front coming in and the weekend hunt should be good.
Duck club
Having a great time at camp with some guy's starting to see more birds.
Left magnetic gun holder in North Roberts pit
If anyone has found a magnetic gun holder in north Roberts give me a call, I will get up with you sometime and grab it. Tommy 706 265 5131 left opening week

Benelli Super Black Eagle 2 Classic 1250.00
Super black eagle 2 minus comfort tech stock.Call Brad at Jacks Pawn & Gun in Georgia .7063133269

For sale or trade
I have an xl travel-aire brand plastic dog carrier that retails for 115 new. It is to big for my kennel cover I want to trade for a large plactic carrier or sell for 50 dollars. Either works.

Got a Banded Bird? Let Us Know!
Hey Guys, if you get your hands (or camera) on a banded bird, please let us know! (right after you report it to the USGS: more »

Here is the link for Jonesboro's NEA DUCK CLASSIC event Dec 4th & 5th.