confim hunts

I am not able to coonfirm hunt for sunday what is wrong with the program?

moo's picture

West rayburn

Hey guys I got west rayburn in the morning. The guy who was going to hunt it said I could hunt it. So its mine in the morning. Yall can have it in the afternoon. I got august heeb in the afternoon. Peace

moo's picture

"My Hunt Schedule" is Back UP.

Hey Guys,

The changes I mentioned earlier to Open Season's "My Hunt Schedule" are now complete.

The changes allow you to claim or realease a hunt either for just yourself or for your whole team at once. more »

moo's picture

"My Hunt Schedule" Temporarily Down...

Hey Guys,

I'm making changes right now to our scheduling system in Open Season ('My Hunt Schedule') as some of you have requested. For the next few hours, it is not going to be working, so please don't confirm any hunts until you see another post from me saying that we're ready again.

I'll have the changes finished in time for everyone to reserve their hunts for tomorrow! more »

LouisB's picture

Computer up

Just wanted everyone to know that the computer is if we can get some ducks it would be perfect. Well, that and Addison to get his lazy butt off the couch!

Checkin in boss

The ducks have done well the last5 days at the riv. Joel and flounder and myself have killed our share and them some. The computer is still down so that is why the logged hunts are slow comin in.
so keep huntin and happy new year.
p.s. i hauled out a 30 lb bag of trash out of n bridge. I don't mind at all, just pack your trash out. very simple.(myself included)

hunterzig's picture

The LOBSTER Challenge

OK guys, we are spankin em this year and it's time to pat you on the back for wacken em. Whatever club member logs the hunt that puts us over 2000 birds for the season, i'll by a lobster dinner, a bucket of beer of their choice Josies selection and sing a duet(optional) on the closest friday night to follow.

Good Luck!
