Blogs / hunterzig's blog / Update: Free Ranger Coupons
Update: Free Ranger Coupons

Hey Guys,
Let's talk about the Free Ranger "Coupon" feature. This is the feature we described in detail at the Club's Annual Meeting at the Den. The software changes that make this happen are now complete in Open Season.
What this feature provides is to allow each team 4 Free Ranger Coupons for the season.
A coupon is used when the team decides to hunt more than one draw on the same day, at the same time.
Up until this point in the season, teams had to Confirm a Hunt as a group, no matter what.
Now, the team can choose to split up if needed, up to 4 times through the rest of the season.
Most importantly, Open Season keeps track of this Coupon Usage for you. Each member can see coupon usage on the Team Detail Board on the Schedule page.
What causes the Free Ranger Coupon to get punched and used up is this and only this:
when a member Confirms a hunt, but does not select all of his teammates.
If you uncheck any of your team members on a hunt you're confirming, you are punching a Free Ranger Coupon.
Take a look at your Schedule Page, below the Firm Hunts board for more info.
Please be sure to confer with your teammates about how to divvy up the Free Ranger Coupons. They'll know it was you who used them all up!
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