Three Rivers Rules & Guidelines
Three Rivers Rules & Guidelines

General Rules & Guidelines
Uphold the Law.
Three Rivers Hunt Club Members are expected to know all applicable hunting regulations and to follow them carefully. Flagrant or frequent violations will not be tolerated by Three Rivers Hunt Club.
Clean Your Birds.
DO NOT leave uncleaned birds past the morning of your hunt.
Equal Opportunity Schedule.
All Members are treated equally by the Open Season Schedule system.
Nail Down Your Hunts from Home or Office.
Logging in to enables each Member to Confirm Scheduled Hunts or Claim Free Ranger Hunts that have come up-for-grabs.
Please Bring Guests!
Each Member may bring guests, but only in the same blind where that member is scheduled to hunt. This is to say, your guests should be hunting with you. This should be pre-arranged with the rest of his hunt team.
Don't forget that you are fully responsible for your guest while in our neck of the woods, so make sure your guest has a clear understanding of hunting etiquette! -
Be Considerate! Clean Up!
When leaving a Hunt, all Hunters pack out pit trash, including shell hulls. If you arrive to hunt a pit that is not clean, notify us on the Damage Report immediately! Carry this ethic indoors, too... Keep our clubhouses and bathrooms clean out of consideration for everyone, even if you were raised by wolves!
Log every hunt!
If your hunt doesn't get logged within 7 days by at least one person, everyone who was on that hunt in the schedule will be locked out of future hunts until the 7-day-old hunt is logged.
All For One...
If the birds liked your pit, call other people and get them to hunt it as soon as you leave. You and your team control who hunts your pit for the day, so don't miss the chance to spread around a good thing!
Women are welcome at the Den, if...
if they are your relatives! This does not extend to girlfriends.
Guest Limitations
We welcome guests, and they can only hunt if accompanied by a Three Rivers Member.
Free Ranger Guidelines
When Can I Grab a Free Ranger hunt?
If the time at the moment you're looking at the schedule page (CST) is between 9PM and midnight, all available Free Ranger hunts are up for grabs.
When does a designated Free Ranger hunt show up on the schedule page?
Designated Free Ranger hunts will show up when they are three (3) days or less away.
7-Day Hunt Confirmation Window.
Unconfirmed Hunts will appear on the Unconfirmed Hunts display 7 days before they become available for other Members to Claim on the Free Ranger Hunts board.
All-For-One, One-For-All.
Any Member on a team may Confirm a Scheduled Hunt. This will prevent the Hunt from becoming a Free Ranger Hunt.
This automatically Confirms the hunt for every Member of his Hunt Team. -
Same-Day Free Rangers
If a Free Ranger is still unclaimed on the day of the hunt, that hunt will be claimable all day until someone grabs it.
This obviously doesn't help much for morning hunts, but will help people who are doing last-minute-shopping for an afternoon hunt. -
Every Hunt: Confirm It or Lose It!
Each Hunt must be Confirmed by a Member beforehand, or that Hunt will convert automatically to a Free Ranger Hunt.
If a blind is Unconfirmed after 9pm (server time) of the night before the hunt, it will move to the Free Ranger Hunts board.
Free Ranger hunts can only be claimed between the hours of 9PM and 12AM CST. -
Grazing For A Hunt.
If a pit is partially scheduled, a grazer can seek permission from the Team Captain and then verbally schedule seats in a blind for himself (and his guests). The decision is up to the team.
Farm Rules
- Don't create truck ruts on any farm road. Use an ATV or feet instead of a truck.
- No trucks allowed on dirt roads during duck season.
- Walk or 4-Wheeler: No trucks on wet or rutted gravel farm roads. If a gravel farm road is dry and not rutted, trucks are allowed. If it's raining or the road is wet, take a 4-wheeler or walk.
- Don't change the cover on any of the blinds! Even rice stubble.
- Guiding on Three Rivers Property and/or using the Three Rivers Duck Club or Three Rivers Waterfowlers names is strictly prohibited. Guided hunts can be arranged with the information here.
- Breaking any of these rules can result in loss of membership rights and dues.
Morning Hunting Only: Be Out By NOON!
- Slough U
- TripleB
- Sugar Shack
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