Blogs / hunterzig's blog / Temporary Modified FREE RANGER POLICY

Temporary Modified FREE RANGER POLICY

hunterzig's picture

By (hunterzig) -


We've got 2 blinds that aren't huntable for opening day, so please don't claim the free ranger #5 or #15 blinds until this is resolved. Not to be confused with Free Ranger that becomes available after 9PM the night before, no issue claiming this type. This will be the case until next weekend, possibly, but hopefully resolved before then.
I could explain the issues, but for the sake of time, just trust me that we're doing all we can to get all 19 spots huntable ASAP. Thankfully we have 2 extra blinds everyday, so no biggie. If this doesn't make sense, please reply here, email, call or smoke signal and we'll explain.
