Blogs / eggstyle's blog / attention all hunters from this weekend! 11-24 Saturday!!!

attention all hunters from this weekend! 11-24 Saturday!!!

By (eggstyle) -


ATTENTION!!!! LOST GUN!!!! I woke up this morning (Sunday 25th)for a rainy hunt, and my gun(in the case) is GONE!!! It was leaning up against my dog kennel in the wader room... I assume someone probably stuck it up in their car by mistake, there were a ton of peope running around Saturday. I NEED IT BACK ASAP!!!! It is a camo pattern 12 gauge Benelli Nova Shotgun. It has my name GARRISON written on the outside of the case, realtree pattern. PLEASE CALL ME ON MY CELL IF YOU HAD THIS GUN 901-299-4747 Thanks! Andy G.
