

hunterzig's picture

Mr Green Jeans

Heads up. Several local hunters were checked last weekend on Claypool's farm and I have heard from two different sources that Feds are in town going around to hunting camps being very picky. Make sure birds are tagged properly and clean out the freezers of anything that isn't yours unless you want to get out your checkbook. Keep up the good work being more than legal.

See you this weekend-Z

Corn "**" LOGGED

I hour afternoon hunt in corn

2 spoons
1 pintail

1st Grade Review

People that stay at the main Three Rivers club house on 14 please take note of the following: open milk container on the counter, glass half full of milk on counter, empty cups, large open sugar bag, sink clogged with feathers and duck parts, and the list could continue forever. I spent two hours cleaning the house today. Please Revert back to your 1st grade manners and treat the house as if it is yours. If you spill something, clean it up. If you use a dish, put it in the dishwasher or wash it and put it away.

Ron Jeremy

go get em buddy..... and get a new woman on our house computer

Blinded by the light...

I found a head lamp in the Hotel pit. If you lost it, call me at 409-5933.


Hunt Log - South Bridge 12 - 07-07 "**" LOGGED

Glenn F.
Steve R.

2 mallards

trip's picture


Guys, I noticed a mistake on the schedule. According to, the season closes on the 18th and reopens the 26th. Just want to make sure noone does what I would have which is hunt on a closed weekend.

Alan Wilson's picture

A.M. L10 South pit

Very dense fog. Ducks would just appear from nowhere. Had my boys with me and a guest, Was hard to listen with all the distractions but was a great time. I think my kids were really freaked out about the wall of fog on a 4-wheeler on a field with nothing but water. It was very disorienting at 5:00 in the morning and pitch black. Lots of ducks just poor shooting. Can't karioke to that....
